The most sustainable wardrobe is the one you already own. Making your most loved items last longer is the key to more sustainable style. Here are five top tips to ensure you are caring for your clothes to make them last:
1. Less Washing!
We are all guilty of throwing something into the wash when it doesn’t really need it.
Over-washing your clothes causes the material fibres to break down meaning they are less likely to last. A great way to get your clothes lasting longer is only wash your clothes when needed.
2. Learn to do repairs or find a service to help
The most wholesome way to boost your clothes' longevity is to get out a needle and thread. DIY repairs like replacing buttons and fixing holes are super simple and fast. If you’re not one for crafts, try services like the @sojo_app who can mend your clothes at the click of a button.
3. Stay creative and find new ways to wear your items
Make sure you are wearing all your clothes and rotating them. The Save Your Wardrobe app can provide style inspiration, by helping you start your digital wardrobe. With a mantra of 'buy less, buy better' the Save Your Wardrobe app also provides recommendations based on your style for occasions and the weather... it's like having an eco personal style assistant.
4. Donate the clothes you don’t love with Thrift+
Ensuring your wardrobe only contains the clothes you really love and wear means you are bound to take closer care of them. By donating the pieces that are in good condition but you no longer use, you can streamline your capsule collection and raise money for your favourite charity, as well as earning credits.
5. Re-use the clothes that are beyond repair
The last option for extending the life for your clothes is to up-cycle damaged pieces. You can save your favourite bits and making whole new creations (tailors can help with this), or cut them up to be used as cleaning cloths. There are also great clothes recycling points around the UK which you can find by Googling ‘my nearest clothes recycling bin’.
If you have any questions about changing your fashion habits please do email us at - we will be happy to help.
You can also connect with us on Instagram at @we_are_thrift where we share slow fashion knowledge, outfit inspiration and exciting updates!