How to have an eco Halloween

How to have an eco Halloween

Ghosts, ghouls, zombies...scary? They've got nothing on the climate crisis! Here are our top-tips for how to make your Halloween more green.
Let's start with some freaky fashion facts...more than 7 million halloween costumes are thrown away in the UK each year. Whats more, 83% of materials used to make Halloween costumes are from synthetics, the equivalent to 2,000 tonnes of plastic (source: fairyland trust, 2019)
It gets spookier...39 million UK families dress up for Halloween with 90% of these families buying new. Sadly, 2 out of 5 of these costumes are headed straight to landfill after just one wear (source: Hubbub)
Scarily, it doesn't get much better when it comes to food waste...Hubbub predict 'a terrifying 14.5 million pumpkins are expected to be left uneaten this Halloween, in the UK alone!'

 So how can we make sure we're not killing our planet this Halloween?

1. Make sure your spooky look is second-hand (or even better...shopped from your wardrobe)

Get your creativity flowing by DIY'ing a Halloween outfit from the clothes you already own. Missing that one key item to pull the look together, why not try borrowing from a friend or making it with stuff you have at home?

But if you're wardrobe is inspiring you and you want a perfect 'new but not new' look try out our specially curated Halloween Edit for some spooky inspiration.


Clueless Look
Devil Look
2. Eat your pumpkin

The potential possibilities of your pumpkin are endless! Not only are they really healthy and delicious but they are incredibly versatile and you can eat almost every part of a pumpkin! Use the seeds roasted for snacks, the guts for soup and the flesh for pie or roasting. 



3. Avoid the plastic decor

Instead of turning to plastic this weekend, why not try something more biodegradable? Now we're not suggesting you source a real skeleton for your front garden, but there are plenty of non-plastic decorations that'll put the spook in your spooky season! Starting with the obvious, pumpkins (use them as lanterns before making your favourite recipe) card-board bats and blood red-hand prints... Click here for some less basic DIY ideas.  

Better yet, why not start a collection of Halloweeny decorations that you can re-use every year? Get creative and make it a tradition!

Plastic-free Halloween


4. Sustainable sweets

Chocolate dipped fruit, spooky biscuits and home made humbugs are a few fun and more eco-friendly ways to trick of treat this year. 

However, if you don't fancy baking some terrifying treats, why not try and buy only plastic-free sweets? Go for chocolates wrapped in foil, bulk un-wrapped sweets (you can serve with a spoon/gloves/tongs) and whenever possible opt for palm-oil free, organic and fairtrade.

DIY Halloween treats


These simple swaps will make a huge difference and will make your halloween even more fun!

Wishing you a happy Halloween!

Remember to tag us in your spooky second-hand looks @we_are_thrift


If you have any questions about fashion's impact on the planet please do email us at - we will be happy to help.
You can also connect with us on Instagram at @we_are_thrift where we share slow fashion knowledge, outfit inspiration and exciting updates.